Class Descriptions & Schedule

Description of Classes

boxing fitness classes

Power Boxing

​Centered around non-contact boxing, with a focus on forced intensity; these classes emphasize improving range of motion, flexibility, posture, gait, and balance while improving functional mobility. Three different levels are offered, allowing everyone to participate regardless of cognitive or physical ability.

Power Boxing I

  • Fast-paced with rapid transitions
  • Cognitive challenges presented
  • Physical and cognitive assistance limited
  • Cornerman (support person) encouraged to attend

Power Boxing II

  • Fast-paced with moderate transitions
  • Cognitive and limited physical assistance provided
  • Cornerman encouraged to attend

Power Boxing III & IV

  • Slower paced with longer transitions
  • Physical and cognitive assistance provided
  • Cornerman may be required to attend in some cases
boxing fitness classes

FUNctional Fitness for UB (upper body) & LB (lower body)

Functional Fitness, adapted from a variety of specialized training programs, focus is on functional mobility and strength.  Offered as a combined class, exercises alternate between targeted upper body and lower body work. 

Focus areas include:  range of motion, strengthening, flexibility, joint mobility, crossing midline, reaching, trunk rotation, and posture.

Stroke Recovery for Upper/Lower Extremities

There are several gaps in post-stroke care. One of those gaps is created once acute services such as PT, OT, speech therapy, etc. are no longer available to the individual. This program focuses on filling that gap by focusing on repetition to promote neuroplasticity (retraining the brain), and improved fitness to prevent a repeat stroke.


PWR!Moves are the building blocks of FUNction. These exercises are designed to teach people how to use HIGH EFFORT, large amplitude movements and complete muscle ACTIVATION. 


Focus areas include: posture and alignment, weight shifting, trunk rotation range of motion, and transitions.

Fall Prevention, Strength & Balance

Did you know that the fear of falling makes you more likely to fall? 


This class focuses on lessening some of that fear through proper fall techniques, and preventative measures like strength, flexibility and balance work to make falls less likely to happen.

Manual Dexterity & Speech/Vocal Training

​Classes address manual dexterity (ability to make coordinated hand and finger movements) and mental focus challenges) and seek to improve vocalization and speech issues common in PD.


This 30 minute class, prior to the Wednesday Power Boxing I class, focuses on building strength by using weights and machines.


This program uses various forms of dance to keep participants moving.


Focus on whole body balance, core strengthening, and flexibility.

Nordic Pole Walking

Led by a physical therapist, Nordic Pole Walking helps to improve gait and balance. Sessions meet bi-monthly in Aiken’s beautiful Hitchcock Woods.

One-on-One Training:

This offers the opportunity for a session that addresses your specific needs.

*additional cost


Open Gym

The gym is open at various times to use at your own pace.



Independent Strength Training

Individuals can participate in an optional strength training program using Keiser equipment. After an initial assessment, a structured workout plan is tailored for the individual. This workout plan is designed to increase muscle mass, increase bone density, and increase endurance.


Our state-of-the-art equipment is designed for ease of use for a population with mobility challenges. In addition, the pneumatic equipment is easier on joints than traditional weight equipment.

Remote Classes

Day One Fitness partners and collaborates with neighborhoods in the community that are interested in providing our programs to their residents right in their own familiar environments! Our programs can be adapted to be delivered to residents in Independent Living, Assisted Living, or Memory Care communities. 


Not your ordinary gym! Start fighting back today!

Our program is supported by a community grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation.


Tambra Wilkerson

Danielle Williams
Executive Director

Jessica Wilkerson
Program Director

Caitlin Trotter
Fundraising & Development Coordinator


Jessica Wilkerson

Michael Freeman

Johnnie Hughes

Kendall Cheely

Pamela Rosema

Mike Freeman


Charlotte Chatto, PT, PhD, NCS


Patty Williams




At Day One Fitness, we rely on the generous support of our community through volunteerism, donations, and fundraising.


Day One Fitness grant application video

Helping each other and working together.

Day One Fitness: Hype Video

Boxing program trains patients to beat Parkinson’s.

The Rock Steady Boxing story.

At this gym, boxers fight more than people.

Punching Parkinson’s Feature (Purdue)

Boxing program helps Parkinson’s patients fight back

Introducing Day One Fitness

Day One Fitness in the Fight Against Parkinson’s Disease